Jacob Kimchy Receives ‘Dedication to Jewish Life Award’ from Jewish Community of NY
Jacob Kimchy Recieves a Letter in support of ‘A New Sunrise’ from the President of Israel
With such an honor, Jacob Kimchy Received a Letter in support of his book- ‘A New Sunrise’ from the President of Israel.
With such an honor, Jacob Received a Letter in support of his organization – ‘One Heart’ from the Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
With such an honor, Jacob Received a Letter in support of his actions and support in Israel from the Minister of Diaspora, Yuli Edelstein.
thenativesociety.com: Motivational Speaker and trauma expert Jacob Kimchy on Overcoming Trauma and Finding Happiness
Motivational Speaker and Life Coach Jacob Kimchy on Overcoming Trauma and Finding Happiness:
Click here for article:
ynetus.com: From Darkness to light, an interview with Jacob Kimchy
An Interview in Hebrew with Jacob Kimchy – Inspiration – Motivation – Life – Finding happiness after trauma – http://www.ynetus.com
israelhayom.com: Jacob Kimchy- Calling out for the world to understand (Interview)
Rami Kimchy was killed in a terrorist attack in 2002 • His son Jacob made it his life’s mission to help other victims of terrorism and to explain to the world what it means to deal with trauma • The organization he founded — Lev Echad — does just that.
Hebrew version: http://www.israelhayom.co.il/article/275889
English version: http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=25175
shalomlife.com (Interview): One Man’s Journey from Trauma & Terrorism to Meaning & Purpose
On May 7th, 2002, Jacob Kimchy’s entire life changed. The Rishon Lezion native was out for a late-night dinner with a friend when he received a call informing him of a terror attack that took place at The Sheffield Club, a popular spot in his hometown.
Rushing to the venue so he could help the survivors, he bore witness to the horrific scene inside before noticing a taxi cab parked outside.
It was his father’s.
The next few years would be somber for the Kimchy family, and equally so for Jacob, filled with grief and suffering over the injustice that occurred, and over the loss of his father. Somehow, he eventually found a new light, and sought out help. Jacob discovered that his experience with trauma – his story – could help others who’ve suffered from trauma, others who’ve lost friends and loved ones to terrorism. He moved to the U.S., and co-started a foundation, One Heart, helping victims of terrorism around the world. He also recalled his experiences during his position as a motivational speaker, and helped victims dealing with grief as a life coach.
algemeiner.com: How an Israeli Hero is Helping Victims of Terror Begin Life Anew
Since September 2000, Israeli society has been subjected to numerous deadly terror attacks. Since then, several studies have examined the stress-related mental health symptoms and coping behaviors of surviving family members of these barbaric acts.
Indeed, research has revealed that people who experienced an attack directly showed elevated levels of distress, lowered sense of security, and pathological reactions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.
Despite the psychological and emotional damage wrought by direct exposure to an act of terrorism, people such as Jacob Kimchy have channeled their unimaginable sorrow into the cause of a lifetime.
In 2002, Jacob’s father Rami Kimchy entered a nightclub in his hometown of Rishon Letzion to pick up a client. Rami was a dedicated family man and hardworking taxi driver. A few minutes after Rami had walked into the club, an 18-year-old Hamas suicide bomber entered it and blew himself up, killing Rami and 14 others instantly.
You can learn more about Jacob Kimchy’s motivation behind writing ‘A New Sunrise’ in this short YouTube clip.
Algemeiner.com: On Israel’s Memorial Day, One Man’s Quest to Channel the Trauma of Terror Victims Into Something Positive
In 2002, Jacob Kimchy’s father died in a Hamas suicide bombing in his hometown of Rishon LeZion. Thirteen years later Kimchy is still struggling with the loss, including nightmares that have him screaming in middle of the night.

Nevertheless, he has embarked on a journey to help other terror victims overcome their traumas as Israel on Wednesday marks Yom Hazikaron, the national day of remembrance for fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism.
“I met victims of trauma that would not share anything,” said Kimchy. The pain builds up inside the victims, “it’s like a poison. It kills you and eats you slowly. The other way is to open your heart, to open your mouth, to express and to share, and to do.”
תערוכה בניו יורק למען נפגעי טרור בישראל
אמנים ישראלים תרמו מיצירותיהם לארגון ‘לב אחד’, ואלו יוצגו בתפוח הגדול. הכנסות התערוכה קודש לשיקום נפגעי טרור
ארגון “לב אחד” יוזם תערוכת אמנים ישראלים בניו-יורק, שהכנסותיה יממנו שיקום נפגעי טרור בישראל – מימון ניתוחים פלסטיים לפצועים שאינם יכולים לאפשר אותם לעצמם. לפני כחודש, הוגשה פנייה לאומנים ישראלים רבים לתרומת פריט אמנות מקורי עבור התערוכה.
כ- 50 אמנים כבר תרמו 100 יצירות, ביניהן תכשיטים, פסלים, ציורים, צילומים, פמוטים ועוד. בין האמנים ניתן למצוא את אמן הרחוב רמי מאירי, הפסל יעקב ברנשטיין, המעצבת מיכל נגרין, גלריית פרנק מייסלר ת”א, גלריית שוורץ ת”א, המעצבת איילה בר, ועוד.
התערוכה תיערך בניו יורק בחודש נובמבר, תחת חשיפה תקשורתית מניו יורק ומישראל ותחת השתתפות צמרת הקהילה היהודית בניו יורק, ראשי בתי הכנסת, אמנים, ונציגי מוסדות ציבוריים ויהודיים ניו-יורקים וישראליים.
אל הכתבה המלאה